The events take place in the near future in a giant metropolis with a population of tens of millions of people. The city is swarming with robots. Food, clothes and everything you need can be downloaded from the Internet and printed on a 3D printer. People no longer need to walk on foot, orient in space, or cook. Everything is done by machines whose main task is to provide convenience and safety.
Due to the global process of urbanization, people concentrate in large cities and more complex urban systems emerge. Statistically, in 2030 more than 60% of people will live in cities - two out of three people by that time. The constant increase in population and the laws of economics create special conditions for growth of megacities and new agglomerations. This leads to higher prices within agglomerations and greater stratification of society into rich and poor.
The series is expected to be funded as product placement presale branded with buyer logos. In terms of merchandising and product placement, the series has unlimited potential:
Robo-toys, 3D printers and all they can print, electric scooters, smart watches, robotic vacuum cleaners, Internet services, cybersecurity and much more